Welcome to my blog. I try to express what inspires me to write and the issues that are important to me. Please feel free to participate. Vivienne Ortega

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Marvellous Melbourne's obesity problem.

Pro growth-ism is all tied into the notion that infinite population growth is required for infinite economic growth. You simply need more and more people to sell more and more things to!

Our population growth is fuelled mainly by an excessive immigration rate, and so is our "natural" birth rate.

However, the pro-growth lobby has bundled any discussion regarding limiting immigration and an optimal population figure for Australia as not "politically correct" or racist! It is not about the quality of our immigrants, their race or culture, but about sustainability - a word we hear so much about but one that is totally ignored!

Other European countries are capable of having small population growth, limited immigration but large GDPs. We need to invest in our own population, our own young people and not burden them with prohibitive HECS charges while we supposedly have "skills shortages". Our universities and other educational institutions are now part of an export industry, and as a back-door for points towards residency in Australia.

It used to be "populate or perish" but now we are being threatened by "populate and perish" because most people are ignorant about the mathematical concept of exponential growth, and that our resources are finite!

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I am a tree-hugging vegan Christian with a family, 2 dogs, 2 budgies and a garden. I like reading, studying, the news, writing and various other activities.