According to Wildlife Victoria, in 193 parishes in Eastern Victoria (east of the Hume Highway, which is the main distribution of wombats in Victoria) Common Wombats have been declared unprotected wildlife.
In these parishes, a farmer can kill wombats without the need to obtain a permit. There are no records kept of the number of wombats killed or their population figures.
Wombats are smart. They have a large brain and they know how to use it. They are able to run able run to about 40 km/hr.
Wombats are smart. They have a large brain and they know how to use it. They are able to run able run to about 40 km/hr.
Common wombats are classified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) red list as a species of least concern. However, wombats are protected by law in Australia, except in Victoria where they are viewed as vermin!
We lost over one million native animals in Black Saturday's inferno, and there are no "over abundant" species!
We lost over one million native animals in Black Saturday's inferno, and there are no "over abundant" species!
The Common Wombat can breed every two years and produce a single joey, which leaves the backwards facing pouch after nine to eleven months (weighing between 3.5 and 6.5 kilograms). The joey is weaned at around 12 to 15 months of age and is usually independent at 18 months of age.
The threats to wombats include destruction of habitat to urban sprawl, logging, competition with feral animals, poisons and road accidents.
The Colonial mentality of the assets of land-holders being above the value of indigenous inhabitants or the environment needs to be challenged. We can't allow farmers the "right" to kill any native animals that enter their property.
The idea that "common" wildlife are "pests" and need to be "culled" needs to be changed!